ALI NEVER: AZIZ CAN’T PLAY WITH PEOPLE WHO DO ABUSES is a Brand new By ALI NEVER:, released on May 8, 2024, @ KBK255 and categorized as , Play it and enjoy the good Music from ALI NEVER: and you can Download related Songs from ALI NEVER: below this post.
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“Aziz Ki is really finishing his contract but here I don’t see if there is a team where Aziz can play, Aziz is needed by many teams for these South African teams, Aziz cannot play with people who do injustice like that”
“There are many offers, but the biggest one I can tell the fans, the best players they have seen in our team remain in our team”
The words of Yanga SC’s information officer said he never explained about Aziz Ki’s contract with Yanga club.
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